Group Leaders make our mission possible.

It’s important to me to volunteer with organizations like PIP who support the wellbeing of new parents and their families. PIP is one of the only organizations I know of with peer-to-peer support for parents [of all genders].
— Brenda Marlin, PIP Group Leader

Help Austin’s New Parents Thrive!

Our group facilitators create a welcoming space for new parents to share, connect, and support one another. They don’t have all the answers, but they are passionate about fostering meaningful discussions that help parents generate ideas, find resources, and build strong neighborhood communities.

Group leaders come from diverse backgrounds, including PIP alumni, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, birth professionals, and other Austinites who believe in the power of peer-to-peer connection.

If this sounds like you, read on to learn how you can join us as a Parent Support Facilitator.

Commitment & Compensation

Facilitators commit to leading 5–6 groups per year over the course of one calendar year and can indicate their preferred days and times.

This is a paid, contract position, with facilitators receiving $750 per group, plus a stipend for snacks at each meeting.

Facilitators can lead both Newborn Groups (0–4 months) and Baby Groups (5–12 months).

Each group runs for 8 weeks, and facilitators typically dedicate 3–4 hours per week, including:

  • Preparation & communication with families and PIP staff

  • Travel & meet-up time 

To receive the full stipend, facilitators should plan to lead all sessions and miss no more than one meeting per 8-week cycle.

When & Where Groups Meet

PIP groups meet in-person at parents’ homes or community centers across Austin and surrounding areas.

Our only virtual option is our Spanish-speaking program via WhatsApp, which includes at least two in-person meetings during the group cycle.

Current meeting times:

  • Thursdays at 10 AM & 6 PM

  • Future expansions may include an additional weeknight and a weekend morning

PIP strives to form groups based on geographic location so facilitators can lead a group near where they live or work. Most families travel less than 10 miles to attend, and we consult members before asking them to travel farther.

Training + Curriculum

Facilitators complete a live, virtual 2-hour training session and review approximately 2 additional hours of self-paced training materials. This training covers:

  • The structure of a PIP meeting and group leader logistics

  • Group dynamics and facilitation strategies

  • PIP Curriculum review and practice 

Each facilitator receives a Group Leader Manual and PIP Curriculum, equipping them with everything needed to run a meet-up, guide discussions, and support new parents. Whether you’re a seasoned facilitator or new to leading groups, our training ensures you feel confident and prepared.

At PIP, we are committed to making your experience as a facilitator enjoyable and rewarding. PIP staff are available throughout your leadership journey to answer questions, provide suggestions, and help you navigate sensitive situations.


We love our facilitators to be parents themselves, but it is not a requirement. We appreciate warm, sensitive communicators who are accepting of varied child-rearing practices and diverse lifestyles. Interest in early childhood development, postpartum support, experience in education or facilitation, or previous PIP Group participation are welcome bonuses.

Tdap Policy - To protect the precious babies in the PIP Groups, ALL Group Leaders are encouraged to be up to date on the Whooping Cough (Pertussis) vaccination (Tdap). 

Absences & Childcare Solutions

Absences – If a facilitator needs to miss a week due to vacation or illness, PIP can usually arrange a substitute with advance notice.
Childcare – We encourage facilitators to attend without their own children to ensure they can fully focus on the group. However, we understand that every parent’s situation is unique. If you believe you can effectively lead with your child present, please inform PIP staff. If it becomes a challenge for participants, we’ll kindly ask that you secure childcare.

If you’re excited to create a supportive space for new parents, we’d love to hear from you! Fill out the form below—we look forward to welcoming you to the PIP community!