PIP is proud to be a supporting member of the Maternal Health Equity Collaborative (MHEC), which seeks to eliminate racial inequities in maternal health outcomes. We recognize that the challenges Central Texas families' face significantly differ across our community.

Our free programs are offered together with community partner sites with a focus on families that have historically been underserved such as Spanish-speaking, Black, Brown, and LGBTQIA+ identifying families. 

PIP currently offers WhatsApp groups in Spanish for families with children 0-3 years old.

Mi líder fue lo mejor, trasmite paz, tranquilidad. Otra cosa sería que las mamás participábamos como si nos conociéramos de toda la vida. ❤️
— PIP mamá, 2023 grupo de WhatsApp

Free Groups for PCC Parents

These groups are intended for families with children 0-1 years old. Groups are currently available in English/Spanish and connect over the course of 8 weeks in person at People’s Community Clinic.