It went by so fast - and we enjoyed every minute!

To Our Village:

2016 meant a lot of things. To us, it meant 80 parents; 42 babies; 9 PIPsqueaks Groups; 1 PIPnic... and 80 new friends. A wonderful year for PIP!

We are a small organization with a big mission -- help families just like yours build their village. 2017 is going to be an incredible year for us, too, and you, our PIP families and friends, are our most incredible supporters. This is our year to grow so we can continue to serve Austin families and all of those sweet babies you keep bringing into the world.

We are full of energy and have big plans this year. We have several new board members including PIP alumnae who are passionate about making PIP available to more families in Austin. Many of you already know our new Program Assistant, who is a PIP alumna and volunteer. We are also searching for a new Executive Director as I'm looking forward to shifting into a Program Director role.

Big plans come with big goals - like tripling how many families we serve this year - and I know this group will achieve them!

Austin is a place where we come together and support each other across all our differences. As we work together to make the world a better place, there's no better place to start than with our own local new parents and babies.

Please join us on Facebook and Instagram as we keep sharing the love. We'd love to hear from you! Thank you for your support and engagement. We are grateful!


Rachel Ladov, LCSW | Executive Director
Partners in Parenting
512.203.5144 |

We have a few big things coming up this year and we need your help!


Our city's annual community-wide day of online giving, organized by I Live Here I Give Here, is March 2nd! Last year more than 600 local non-profits raised $8.5 million in a 24-hour period. You can support us with donations online, in-person (cocktail party, anyone?!), or by sharing who we are with your friends. Our goal is to raise $14,000 during this year's 24-hour fundraising event, and your donation will go twice as far because our Board of Directors is matching ALL donations until we reach our goal!


...Said no parent, ever! But can you ever have enough? We would love to share photos from your PIPsqueaks Group, meet-ups with your PIP friends, or of your #PIPStrong family! Post them to our Facebook page or tag us on Instagram, and we will enter you into a raffle for that massage your friend keeps telling you to get and that you KNOW you deserve!


So many PIP families join us because they hear about the PIP experience through a friend. We're here for your neighbor, co-worker, sister, the lady struggling to push a new stroller down the sidewalk and walk a dog at the same time, the obviously-new-parents in the coffee shop with their little ones, and the excited pregnant woman in the baby aisle at HEB. Please tell them about us and send them on over to:


Your questions, challenges, joys, tears, and hilarious baby moments don't just end after your 12-week PIPsqueaks program. We invite you to join our NEW PIP Alumni Facebook Group, exclusively for alumni, so we can continue our parenthood journeys together. This is a more intimate online community where you can ask questions, share local events or resources, and of course stay in touch with PIP! Alumni, come join us!


Newborn PIPsqueaks Groups Starting Soon!


How PIP Began: A Founder's Story