You’ve done it before, so how hard can one more really be?

Many parents share that the second, third, (etc) time around feels even more challenging with subsequent babies, because they are navigating care for a newborn and older child(ren). You don’t have to tackle this transition alone!


  • WHAT? Community-building groups for parents & caregivers of all genders to attend with their babies led by a trained facilitator. 

  • WHO? For parents and their infants and/or older child(ren) aged 2 weeks - 6 months old.

  • WHEN? These groups meet once a week for 8 consecutive weeks.

  • WHERE? Families meet virtually for 6 weeks and twice in-home or at a community partner location.

Program Fee Info & Options 

Program Fee Option 1: $250

We estimate that it will cost PIP $1000 to serve a family in 2023. Our goal is to reduce the financial barrier to entry for all families. In 2024, we are asking families that are able to cover 25% of the cost to select this option.

Program Fee Option 2: $125

We firmly believe every family needs PIP regardless of ability to pay the full program fee. Our $125 option allows you to join a group at a reduced rate.

Program Fee Option 3: $25

Your time has value, especially as a new parent. If you are only able to give your time to join, we empower you to select this $25 option to cover the registration processing fees.


If you need more information before signing up please text 512-829-1704 or email our Community Outreach Coordinator, at programs@pipaustin.org.

For additional information, please check out our FAQ page.