Newborn PIPsqueaks Groups Starting Soon!

Your village is waiting... Join today!

Your village is waiting... Join today!

Calling all new parents! We have three PIPsqueaks groups starting in the next month!

Second Time Around (STA) group in Oak Hill/Ciricle C starting end of August

South/Central Austin group for moms starting end of August

North Austin group for parents starting end of August

The groups are for parents with newborns 2-16 weeks old. Both groups will meet once a week on a weeknight for 10 weeks (6 weeks for STA), rotating between the homes of participants. There are still spots left in our groups!

PIP groups are a great way to connect with other families and babies who live nearby. For more information or to register click:

Or email, call or text  Dorothy: 512-413-3119 


2017 Alumni PIPnic


#AmplifyPIP Alumni Park Day