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Newborn PIPsqueaks Groups Starting Soon!

Your village is waiting... Join today!

Your village is waiting... Join today!

Calling all new parents! We have three PIPsqueaks groups starting in the next month!

Second Time Around (STA) group in Oak Hill/Ciricle C starting end of August

South/Central Austin group for moms starting end of August

North Austin group for parents starting end of August

The groups are for parents with newborns 2-16 weeks old. Both groups will meet once a week on a weeknight for 10 weeks (6 weeks for STA), rotating between the homes of participants. There are still spots left in our groups!

PIP groups are a great way to connect with other families and babies who live nearby. For more information or to register click:

Or email, call or text  Dorothy: 512-413-3119 

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#AmplifyPIP: Give big during Amplify Austin!

We are a small organization with a big mission -- help families just like yours build their village. Austin is a place where we come together and support each other across all our differences. As we work together to make the world a better place, there's no better place to start than with our own local new parents and babies.

Can we count on YOU to help us reach our $14,000 goal?

Click here to schedule your March 2nd gift today!

What is the impact of YOUR #AmplifyPIP investment?

$500 - Outreach to serve one new neighborhood
$300 - Training and support for one volunteer group leader
$150 - Full scholarship for one family in a newborn group
$75 - One workshop for expectant parents
$25 - Materials for one newborn group

Amplify Austin, organized by I Live Here, I Give Here, is our city's annual community-wide day of online giving. Your donation will go twice as far because our Board of Directors is matching ALL donations until we reach our goal!

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Announcements Guest User Announcements Guest User

Newborn PIPsqueaks Groups Starting Soon!

Your village is waiting... Join today!

Your village is waiting... Join today!

Calling all new moms and dads! We have two PIPsqueaks groups starting in the next month! We have a group getting started in South/Central Austin at the end of February and a group in North Austin in mid-March. The groups are for couples with newborns 2-16 weeks old. Both groups will meet once a week on a weeknight for 12 weeks. There are still spots left in our groups! PIP groups are a great way to connect with other families and babies who live nearby. For more information or to register, visit PIP’s website at or email Use discount code PIPFRIENDS for 20 percent off. Come and join a group!

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